S.R.S (Software Requirements Specification)

SRS (Software Requirements Specification) document for a CMS (Content Management System) website.

Here's a general outline of the sections that your SRS document could include:

1.       Introduction:

·        Purpose of the SRS document

·        Scope of the project

·        Background and context of the project

·        Overview of the system requirements


2.       User Requirements:

·        User profiles (e.g., client, instructor, administrator)

·        User goals and objectives

·        User needs and expectations

·        User interface requirements


3.       System Requirements:

·        Functional requirements

a)       Search functionality for instructors

b)       Registration functionality for competitions

c)       User management (e.g., adding/editing/deleting users)

·        Non-functional requirements

a)       Performance requirements

b)       Security requirements

c)       Usability requirements

d)       Scalability requirements


4.       Technical Requirements:

·        Hardware requirements

·        Software requirements

·        Communication requirements

·        Data requirements


5.       Project Constraints:

·        Schedule constraints

·        Budget constraints

·        Resource constraints

·        Technical constraints


6.       Acceptance Criteria:

·        Criteria for acceptance of the project by the stakeholders

·        Test cases for verifying the requirements


7.       Appendices:

·        Glossary of terms

·        References to related documents


This outline provides a general structure for your SRS document. You can customize it to fit your specific requirements and add any other sections that you feel are necessary.


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